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Jean Tessier @ LinkedIn

I worked at LinkedIn in Mountain View, CA and Palo Alto, CA, in 2004 and 2005.

At LinkedIn, I went back to a bullpen. We called it the "jungle" because of the decorations. It was very nice, with simple, open IKEA furniture and large cinema monitors for Macs.

This was the first office I worked in, in Mountain View, CA.

One desk at LinkedIn in Mountain View Another desk at LinkedIn in Mountain View

This was the second office I worked in, in Palo Alto, CA, in the former Paypal building.

Third desk at LinkedIn in Palo Alto Jungle critter at LinkedIn in Palo Alto
Bullpen at LinkedIn in Palo Alto

And my commute took me over this pedestrian bridge every day, twice a day.

Pedestrian bridge over 101 in Palo Alto