Jean Tessier
Software craftsman with experience in agile practices and development of large scale, web-based, cloud-native applications, using the Java stack, and most recently Ruby and JavaScript.
MSc in Computer Science (U. of Montréal)
BSc in Computer Science (U. of Montréal)
Event-Driven Development
Pair Programming
Java / Groovy
Ruby on Rails

Work Experience

Arta Finance Software Engineer (Mountain View, CA) 6/2022 - 1/2023
Arta wants to give everyone get access to the best financial services so that they can live their best lives. I was part of the infrastructure team that tied the human-facing UI to AI models and financial institutions.
keywords Python, DAML smart contracts, Google Cloud, protobuf
Forge Staff Software Engineer (San Francisco, CA) 11/2021 - 6/2022
Forge is powering a global private market that is transparent, accessible and seamless for companies, their employees, investors and institutions.
keywords .NET Core, C#, Ruby on Rails, Git, JSON, Test-Driven Development, Pair Programming
Gusto Software Engineer (San Francisco, CA) 10/2019 - 10/2021
Breaking up monoliths at Gusto: the people platform built for small businesses. My team enabled communication between services using federated GraphQL, gRPC, and Kafka.
keywords Ruby on Rails, GraphQL, Apollo Federation, gRPC, TypeScript, Node, Git, JSON, Test-Driven Development, Pair Programming, protobuf
Directly Co-Founder + Lead Architect (San Francisco, CA) 12/2010 - 10/2019
Directly let's a company tap the collective wisdom and free cycles of its expert users to help answer customer support tickets. As the technical co-founder, led development to successful $12M Series A and $20M Series B. Built event-driven backend, expert web dashboard, gamification dynamics, universal connector to trigger web hooks according to configurable business logic. Carved microservices out of the initial monolith, such as the core routing engine, which optimizes resolution rates by sending tasks to experts based on a number of factors, and an AI system to auto-answer frequent support tickets.
keywords Microservices, Grails, RabbitMQ, Git, Redis, MySQL, JSON, Scrum, Test-Driven Development, Jenkins, AWS
ShopWell Software Engineer (Palo Alto, CA) 10/2009 - 11/2010
Employee #3 in a 12-person startup that wanted to change the way people eat. As a backend developer, worked with dietitians to customize nutrition labels based on user profiles, match food ingredients. Also, user management, tagging, early work with Solr and Facebook. Scrum with 2-week sprints.
keywords Grails, Solr, Spring Security, Git, MySQL, Scrum, TDD, Estimation Poker, Hudson, AWS
Google Software Engineer (Mountain View, CA) 2005 - 2009
Agile coach on multiple projects (Calendar, Docs, Orkut, AdSense): embedded with teams to coach developers to refactor code for maintainability and testability, to improve continuous build systems, to care about code quality. Self-published articles on jMock and Guice. On Google Base: built an analytics feature from automated data gathering with map-reduce to surfacing data in the frontend, resulting in 20% increase in dashboard page views.
keywords TDD, Pair Programming, Java, Guice, jWebUnit, Selenium, Git, Ruby, RSpec, Python, Sawzall, MapReduce, MySQL
LinkedIn Senior Software Engineer (Palo Alto, CA) 2004 - 2005
As one of 5 engineers, built first versions of core LinkedIn features like subscriptions, LI Jobs and LI Groups. Full-stack development, including tests, on short release cycles.
keywords TDD, Java, JSP, XML, HtmlUnit, MaxQ, Oracle
Dependency Finder Principal ( 2001 - 2010, 2023 - present
Open sourced an analytical library to inspect compiled Java code for dependencies, API evolution, and OO metrics. It supports multiple frontends: command-line, GUI, Ant tasks, and web. Software Development magazine listed Dependency Finder as one of ten open source projects to watch back in 2004.
keywords TDD, Design Patterns, Java, JSP, XML, XSLT, Ant, Git, SourceForge